When I won Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year, my school put on a beautiful celebration assembly. At the assembly, they had two students from each grade level share something they had learned from being in my class or why they thought I was a good teacher. Nothing is more humbling or rewarding than hearing your impact on your students’ lives. Let’s just say I was more than grateful for the tissue packet someone handed me before the assembly started. A common theme from their speeches was that they remembered the words I spoke daily into their hearts and how I made them feel special and important. What they were remembering me say were my classroom mottos.

That assembly was an important reminder to me that the words we speak to our students become a part of their inner soundtrack and help shape who they become. Our thoughts are powerful because what we think directly impacts how we act. This is why the words we speak to our students should bring life, build them up, and help them become the best they can be.
Classroom Motto Examples
You can have one specific classroom motto or a couple of short, simple classroom mottos. Having classroom mottos was important to me because I wanted my students to hear powerful words throughout the day that showed them how much I cared and wanted them to succeed. Including not only mottos, but also things like classroom cheers and even brain breaks made my time in the classroom so much easier, memorable, and of course, fun! Here are five of the key classroom mottos that I told my students every day:
1. Make mistakes, get messy!
Every day, I tapped into my inner Miss Frizzle and told my students to “make mistakes, get messy!” Our students need to understand that we learn and grow from our mistakes! I didn’t want my students to be afraid to try, and when they failed, I wanted them to know they were always loved so they would get back up and try again!
2. That’s a problem you can solve!
I wanted my kids to be problem solvers, not just in the academic sense but in life. I taught and modeled ways to solve problems. I wanted my students to learn the important skills of teamwork, friendship, handling conflict, and independence with my guidance. Even in first grade, kids can learn to solve problems! And they need to know and be reminded that we believe in them and will help them do their best!

3. Everyone is different, and different is the beauty of life!
No two people are alike, and it’s important to teach our students that this is something to celebrate! From different hair colors to different heights to different interests and strengths, we each have a place and an important purpose in this world that no one else can fulfill.
4. Always do YOUR best!
Every student in each of our classrooms is of great value, is wonderfully diverse, and is capable of success! This means that the path to success will look different for each student because “Everyone is different, and different is the beauty of life!” I told students regularly that I wanted their personal best! For some of us, reading comes easily, and for others, we must work hard. Some are great at basketball, and others are better at art. The most important thing is that they always give their best regardless of the task!

5. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
The golden rule was one of the core rules of our classroom because I wanted my students to be successful in first grade and life! It’s so important that I actually made it as one of our 3 classroom rules!

Every person has value and deserves to be treated with respect. Our students also need to know that they each have the power to make their own choices. Even when those around us are being unkind, we can choose to make the right decision. It starts with us! It’s so important for us to model this for our students. They’re listening, but they’re also always watching our every move. They’re watching how we interact with our colleagues, the tone we use to correct a child’s misbehavior, and most importantly, how we treat them.
Classroom mottos are awesome because they bring positivity and unity to the learning space. These short and catchy phrases are a friendly reminder of the shared goals and values in the classroom. They inspire students to stay motivated, work together, and embrace a positive attitude toward learning. Mottos create a sense of belonging and foster a supportive environment, making the classroom experience educational and enjoyable. Plus, they add a touch of fun and encouragement to the daily routine, making each day a little brighter for everyone involved.
Positive Notes For Students!
Another way that I liked to speak truth into the hearts of my students was through an encouraging note!! Spoken words on repeat are powerful, but there is also something so special about a tangible handwritten note that you can go back to and read again and again!

I made it my goal each month to send a positive note to each student! And having notes on hand makes it so easy to quickly grab one to give to students when needed! I liked to do mine right after small groups wrapped up or at the end of the day. Aim to do 1-2 a day, and you’re good to go!
Keeping track of who I sent notes home to each month made it helpful for me. It allowed me to be more intentional and ensured all students got notes. So, I included a notes tracker in my positive notes resource so that you can easily keep track of who you send notes to each month!

With over 70 notes to choose from, this is the only notes resource you will need all year long!! What a privilege it is to be able to speak truth into the hearts and lives of our students!
- CLICK HERE for Positive Notes For Students
What are some words that you find yourself saying to your students on repeat? What classroom mottos are you helping them continuously play in their hearts and minds? I’d love to hear!!
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