Music and movement are a powerful tool for our students to remember and understand concepts! If your students are struggling with the 1 less, 1 more, 10 less, or 10 more skill on the hundreds chart, then you are going to love using this Hundreds Chart More Or Less Shuffle!

Hundreds Chart More Or Less Shuffle
When my students were having a difficult time understanding how to use the hundreds chart to find numbers that are 1 less, 1 more, 10 less, or 10 more I knew I had to do something! So, I created the Hundreds Chart More or Less Shuffle song for them to the tune of Cupids Shuffle!

It was not only effective in helping my students remember how to use the hundreds chart, but it was also a whole lot of fun too!
Using The Song And Dance
If you are a visual person and would like to see the dance moves and song, I swallowed my pride and recorded it one day while the class and I were singing it. Please don’t judge–I truly have very little dancing skills! Ha!
You may have noticed that I use different voices when singing–no I don’t have singing schizophrenia! While it may seem a little crazy, trust me–it’s intentional!
While singing or even talking about the words “less” or “more”, I used a high/small voice for “less” and a low/big voice for “more”. This was just another way to help my students remember the difference between more or less. They not only had the motions/movement, song, but also the varying voices to help them remember 1 less, 1 more, 10 less, 10 more.
I wanted to use anything I could to help all my students be successful and I have found all of these techniques to help! But no pressure to use the different voices–the song will still be effective with normal singing too!
Whole Group Practice On A Hundreds Chart
After teaching the song and dance/movements, we played the hundreds chart shuffle on our hundreds chart. We sang the song and did the dance/movements with our finger on the hundreds chart after learning the song.

I’m all about ease of use and making things reusable! If you don’t have a class set of hundreds charts laminated, I highly recommend that you laminate a hundreds chart for each of your students! I had a class set of laminated hundreds charts that I reused year after year but have also included a hundreds chart for you to use too in my Hundreds Chart Freebie! This not only makes it reusable, but students can also write on them with dry erase markers.
I first modeled how to use the hundreds chart to find 1 less, 1 more, 10 less, or 10 more. Then we practiced as a whole class with our laminated 100s charts by using the knowledge of our song and dance moves.
I would call out a number and students would find and circle the number on the hundreds chart. Then I would say 1 less, or 1 more, or 10 less, or 10 more and they would put a square around the number. We would repeat this for multiple numbers.
Using Task Cards For Independent Practice
For independent practice I made up some task cards with a recording sheet. I called it the Hundreds Chart More or Less Mystery. The kids were all about solving the mystery! It’s amazing how just a little twist on a activity gets students more engaged and excited to learn! I put a task card on each students desk and students would shuffle or scoot around the room to each desk/mystery card. It was so much fun!

Students would use their hundreds chart and dry erase marker to find the answer and record it on the correct letter of the recording sheet.
Hundreds Chart More Or Less Mystery Solved

When students finished all of the squares on their mystery sheet they came to me and I would check their answers with an answer key sheet (I have included an answer key for you to use in this FREEBIE!). When students solved all of the answers correctly I wrote “Case Solved!” on their sheet.
This activity was such a fun way to learn and practice 1 less, 1 more, 10 less, and 10 more! Plus it was a great assessment to see which students understood the concept and which students needed more practice and support in small group instruction. The task cards could also be used for small group instruction or centers!
Grab The Hundreds Chart More Or Less Freebie!
I have put the Song Poster, 100 Chart, 120 Chart, Task Cards, Recording Sheet, and Answer Key all in a FREEBIE for you! I’m so excited for you to use it!!

OHMYGOODNESS!!! Mind blown. We have already learn this, but I cannot wait to review this week with your resources. I am such a visual person, THANK YOU for the video. I love, love, love this. So perfect, Becca!
I LOVE this Becca!! Brilliant! Thank you so much. 🙂
Definitely going to use this in my class! Thank you so much!
I am so excited to find this!!! I am teaching this concept this week. My students will love this. Thank you so much for sharing this!
I have been looking for some hundreds chart ideas for my higher students who have already mastered teen numbers. I am in love with this post! Thank you so much for the ideas AND freebie!! I am your newest follower :)!
Teaching With Heart
Thank you! it’s sooo great! Will do it tomorrow with my Year 1!
You RoCk!!