When you can’t go on a real field trip technology offers us such a wonderful gift of being able to go on them virtually! Whether you’re teaching in person or remotely, virtual field trips are a fun and educational activity to do with your students! Below I’ve included 5 ways to use virtual field trips in your classroom!

5 Ways To Use Virtual Field Trips In Your Classroom
There are so many ways that you can use virtual field trips in your classroom! Here are 5 easy ways to being using them with your students:
1. In Place Of A Real Field Trip
Okay, I know that nothing can truly replace a real field trip experience BUT sometimes life (hello, 2020!) or even budgets don’t allow you to leave the classroom for a real field trip. During my last seven years in first grade my district only allowed one field trip a year per classroom. So, virtual field trips are an excellent alternative to still allow your students to experience places they’ve never been from the comfort of the classroom. You can even send out an invitation to get students excited for the big “trip!”

2. Integrate Them Into A Unit
Virtual field trips are so easy to integrate into what you are currently learning! For example, are you doing a how-to writing unit? Then, you can take a virtual field trip to a crayon factory to see how crayons are made! Or maybe you’re about to start your science unit on animal groups? You could easily take a virtual field trip to an aquarium to learn about the different animals that live in the water. Virtual field trips are a great way to extend the learning with your students!

Plus, with the activities I’ve included for you to do at the before, during, and at end of a virtual field trip it makes it really easy to tie your standards into the lesson!

3. For Themed Days
I’m a sucker for a good themed day! I especially loved doing themed days at the end of the year! Having a beach day? Then, take a virtual field trip to the Coral Reef!

You could also have an animal themed day where students bring in their favorite stuffed animal and you take a virtual field trip to the zoo! You could even do a virtual field trip a day to lead up to summer break! There are so many fun possibilities!
4. For Fun Fridays
I don’t know about you, but sometimes Friday afternoons can be a struggle after a long week. Adding a virtual field trip into your Friday afternoon is an easy and effective way to engage students in learning! Plus, it will give you and your learners something to look forward to at the end of each week! How fun would it be to take a different virtual field trip every Friday?
You can use the clues each day leading up to the trip to get them extra excited about their trip and then reveal where they are going on Friday!

Virtual field trips are fun and educational! It’s truly a win-win!
5. As A Reward
Kids love taking virtual field trips so much that they make a great reward incentive! Have your students work as a class to earn a virtual field trip. You can boost engagement by giving them 2-3 locations and letting them vote on the destination.

Using Virtual Field Trips In Your Classroom
Virtual field trips are a fun and meaningful way to engage students in learning! There are so many ways that you can easily use them in your class and even tie them right into your current standards and learning units! You and your students are going to LOVE going on virtual field trips!

Save Time With Editable Virtual Field Trips!
Want to go on a virtual field trip experience, but not spend the time to create one from scratch! I’ve got something that can help save you time!!
From an invitation, to clues, to engaging activities that can be used before, during, and after the trip this EDITABLE resource includes everything you need to customize and take your students on any virtual field trip experience! I’ve also included a list of suggested virtual field trips (with links), as well as a sample field trip to the Coral Reef! You and your students are going to LOVE going on virtual field trips!

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